Tenant/Landlord - nobody is more important!

Property investment is all about returns.  For tenants it’s all about tenure, security, value and trust.  For landlords it's all about maintaining the value of their investment and ensuring that it is providing an income. It’s impossible to balance those often competing interests without knowing the property in detail. Management with empathy -  we balance the competing commercial and social requirements

As a tenant, it's important to feel welcome and comfortable in your home, whether or not you own or rent the property.  We have excellent working relationships with our clients - your landlords - to ensure that the property is well maintained and that your landlord is abiding by local or state legislation requirements.

As a landlord, you are looking for an agent you can trust - trust to find the right tenant, trust to ensure your investment is being maintained and trust that you will receive the most cost effective financial returns for your investment.

Call Sue or Susie for a chat and let us make your property dealings more personal.

Have a Look at our Tropical Rentals