10 Essential Items To Pack On Your Next Holiday

Some of us love packing for a holiday, and some of us don’t. Packing can either look like weeks of preparation for a 3-day trip out of the city, or it can look like frantically packing the night before for a 6-week European holiday. Whichever type of packer you are, it’s not uncommon to rock up to the airport, feeling confident as ever, to realise you forgot your pyjamas. Or your toothbrush. Or absolutely everything.

So, how do we arrive at our holiday destination, stress-free, rather than stressed-out? Let’s ask the team at Tropical Property, helping you with 10 essential items to pack on your next holiday.

1) Travel wallet

Hate having a hundred different things in a hundred different places? A travel wallet solves this entirely. Here, you can keep plane tickets, cash, IDs, passports and even your rental keys.

2) Headphones

If small talk on planes isn’t your thing, these are your best friends. Headphones are handy for solo walks on the beach, too.

3) Hand sanitiser

Not just a COVID classic: hand sanitiser ensures you don’t come down with any nasty bugs on your trip.

4) Power bank

Don’t risk a dead phone battery when you’re on the road. Bring a trusty portable battery!

5) Collapsible bag

Whether you need a lunch box on the run, a day-bag or something for collecting shells on the beach, a collapsible bag is a winner.

6) Back-up bathers

If you’re heading to the beach for a holiday, it’s always best to have a spare pair of bathers. While your wet bathers are drying, you’ve got a dry pair waiting for you.

7) Jumper

No matter where you’re going, it’s always smart to pack a jumper… even if it’s just for the plane ride.

8) Neck pillow

Speaking of plane rides, who doesn’t love a good nap on the big bird? Make it even better by investing in a neck pillow. You’ll wake up feeling fresh for your first day of holidays.

9) Toothpaste

It’s not the end of the world if you forget it, but you’ll certainly be kicking yourself if you do.

10) Packable beach towel

These days, there are plenty of options for smaller, lightweight beach towels that can be easily packed – even if you’re just taking carry-on luggage on your holiday. So, it’s great to have all of these essential holiday items… but where are you taking them? The answer: Mission Beach, of course! Tropical Property are the team of property specialists you call when you’re heading up to the white sandy beaches of Far North Queensland. With the best holiday houses in superb locations, and for the best prices, Tropical Property are just a phone call away. Get in touch with the team and start booking!